How to clean oxidized soldering iron tip | Magicpen All in One Solder Perfecter

Cleaning and reconditioning of old, worn, corroded and oxidized soldering iron tip, axe tips and large soldering iron tips with Magicpen Learn how to refurbish your oxidized soldering iron tips using Magicpen Solder Perfecter. Follow these simple steps to bring your burnt, blackened, rusted, old, and dysfunctional soldering iron tips back to life and enjoy superior performance once again.

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Refurbish Your Soldering Iron Tips with Magicpen Solder Perfecter

Tired of dealing with burnt, blackened, rusted, old and dysfunctional soldering iron tips? Don’t worry, we have a solution for you! With Magicpen Solder Perfector and soldering iron tip refresher you can bring your soldering iron tips back to life and enjoy superior performance with your brand new soldering iron tip. In this application video text, we will guide you through the process of refurbishing axe soldering iron tips or other thick and large tips using the Magicpen Solder Perfector.

Step 1: Assess the Condition of Your Soldering Iron Tip Before starting the refurbishment process, it is important to assess the condition of your soldering iron tip. As long as your soldering iron tip is not broken, you can use Magicpen All-in-One Solder Perfector to clean and refurbish burnt, blackened, rusted or poorly performing, non-functioning tips. If the tip is badly damaged or broken, it may be best to replace it completely.

Step 2: Clean your soldering iron tip. To refurbish soldering iron tips, you must first clean them thoroughly with the finest sandpaper or solder cleaning wire.

It’s important to note that this solution is not just a solder cleaner; it is specifically designed to enhance solder performance.


Step 3: Heat up the soldering iron. Plug in your soldering iron and let it warm up until it reaches high operating temperature. The exact temperature will vary depending on the type of soldering iron you have, so refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for guidance. For the first step, it is important that your soldering iron tip is warm so that you can apply the thick solder wire in the first step.

Step 4: Lightly touch the tip of the soldering iron tip to the Magicpen Solder Perfector liquid 1-2 times, even if you have applied some thick solder wire.

Step 5: Clean the Soldering Iron Tip. After applying Magicpen Solder Perfector, you can clean the solder accumulated on the soldering iron tip with the help of a solder cleaning wire. Wipe off excess solution with a clean cloth or sponge to ensure the tip is clean and free of debris.

Step 6: Apply thick solder wire to the tip again and repeat the process as described above. Apply a small amount of solder on the tip and observe how it melts and adheres to the surface. You will notice a significant improvement in the tip’s ability to hold solder and deliver superior performance.

Step 7: Repeat the Process if necessary. If your soldering iron tip is still not properly glazed, you can repeat the refurbishment process using Magicpen Solder Perfector. Sometimes, heavily damaged or worn tips may require multiple applications to achieve optimal results.


With Magicpen Solder Perfector and soldering iron tip refurbisher you can easily replace your burnt, blackened, rusted, old and dysfunctional soldering iron tips. Follow these simple steps to bring your soldering irons back to life and enjoy superior performance again. Don’t let old, blackened, oxidized soldering iron tips hinder your soldering processes – try the Magicpen Solder Perfector and experience the difference for yourself!

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