Don’t Buy New Soldering Iron, Renew with All In One Solder Perfecter

Read this master's review of the MagicPen solder Perfecter instead to buy new soldering iron tip. Discover how to whiten soldering iron tips and lower the soldering iron temperature using this incredible product. Extend the life of your soldering iron tips with the MagicPen Solder Perfecter.

Table of Contents

Soldering Iron Tip Renewal with Magicpen: User Review

In this video transcript, we will explore the usage and comments of Serhat Süleyman Akoğlu’s master on the MagicPen solder Perfecter and soldering iron tip renewal. We extend our gratitude to Master Serhat Süleyman Akoğlu for his beautiful narration and support.

Good evening, friends! Today, we will be discussing how to whiten soldering iron tips using the MagicPen solder Perfecter. Let’s dive right into it!
First, let me show you a blackened soldering iron tip. As you can see, it has become discolored over time. But fear not, we have a solution!
Now, let’s turn on our soldering iron and begin the process. It’s incredibly simple. Just apply the MagicPen solder Perfecter to the tip, and watch it turn white before your eyes. Typically, we operate our soldering iron at temperatures around 370 – 380 degrees Celsius (700 – 720 degrees Fahrenheit).

However, after using the MagicPen, we can now solder at lower temperatures, around 270 – 280 degrees Celsius (500 – 540 degrees Fahrenheit). Let me walk you through the process step by step. First, remove the layers on our tip with the help of a solder cleaning wire. Next, apply solder to our tip, preferably a thick solder wire. It may not hold perfectly due to tarnish, but that’s okay. Repeat this process several times and each time dip the tip into the MagicPen solution. Now you will notice that the soldering iron tip is much cleaner. The melting temperature has dropped significantly. As long as you continue to solder with magicpen solder perfector, your soldering iron tip will be even more renewed and will never get old.

As long as you continue to solder with magicpen solder perfector, your soldering iron tip will be even more renewed and will never get old.

Goodbye to solder paste and other chemical soldering iron tip cleaners

When soldering, using MagicPen Solder Perfector makes it completely unnecessary to use solder paste or other chemical cleaners. It provides easier solder absorption and lower working temperature. Once again, I extend my thanks to MagicPen and my master for introducing me to this incredible product. Now, let me show you one last thing. I have lowered the soldering iron temperature to 250 degrees Celsius (480 degrees Fahrenheit). Despite the lower temperature, the soldering iron still absorbs solder effortlessly. You can dip it into the MagicPen solution and renew your blackened tips. So, don’t throw away your blackened tips just yet. With the MagicPen solder Perfecter, you can easily renew and extend the life of your soldering iron tips. Thank you for taking the time for this review. Good evening everyone!

For more information please watch our Magicpen User Manual Youtube Video

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