Best Soldering Iron Tip Care and Cleaning | Magicpen Solder Perfecter

Master Nejdat Delioglu Magicpen Solder Perfecter and soldering iron tip renewer review video. Discover the MagicPen solder Perfecter, a reliable and safe solution for cleaning and renewing soldering iron tips. Learn how to use it effectively and witness the transformation of your soldering iron tip. Say goodbye to frequent replacements and enjoy long-lasting soldering tips with the MagicPen. Experience the magic of effortless soldering and enjoy the convenience of renewed soldering iron tips.

Table of Contents

Experience the MagicPen Solder Perfecter for Quality Soldering

In this video, our master Nejdat Delioğlu introduces and demonstrates the MagicPen solder Perfecter and soldering iron tip renewer, providing valuable comments for a quality soldering experience. We extend our gratitude to Nejdat Delioğlu for his informative narration and support. The MagicPen soldering Perfecter is the ideal product for cleaning and renewing soldering iron tips, helping you achieve the best soldering results. It effectively renews burnt, rusted, blackened, and non-soldering soldering iron tips. It’s time to experience the magic!

One of the key advantages of the MagicPen solder Perfecter is that it does not cause any chemical harm. There are no harmful fumes emitted during its usage. When immersing the soldering iron tip in magicpen liquid, a small amount of smoke may occasionally be observed due to the interaction of hot and cold. However, there is no need to worry as this is a natural occurrence and poses no chemical danger. Unlike solder pastes, which often have a slightly unpleasant odor and emit harmful smoke, the MagicPen solder Perfecter is free from toxic smoke and odor.

As long as you continue to solder with magicpen solder perfector, your soldering iron tip will be even more renewed and will never get old.

User Review of How to Use Magicpen Solder Perfecter

Let’s now explore how to use and test the MagicPen solder Perfecter. I have been using this product for a week and I am extremely satisfied with the results. Allow me to demonstrate the process. Firstly, it is important to clean your soldering iron tip thoroughly using sandpaper or a solder cleaning wire to remove any coarse dirt. Once the coarse dirt is removed, plug in your soldering iron and heat it between 350 and 400 degrees Celsius. Now, let’s take a closer look at the soldering iron tip. As you can see, it is in quite a bad shape due to prolonged usage. For the purpose of this video, I intentionally did not clean the tip beforehand to showcase the effectiveness of the MagicPen solder Perfecter. After applying the MagicPen, there is no need to use solder paste. Remember to remove the coarse dirt before heating your soldering iron and tip. If your soldering iron is not regulated, set it to the highest temperature for better results
Next, feed a thick solder wire, preferably 1,2 or 1,5 millimeters in diameter, onto the soldering iron tip to tin it. As you can observe, only a portion of the soldering iron tip is holding solder, while the remaining parts do not due to dirt accumulation. After tinning, clean the tip with a solder cleaning wire. Then, touch the tip to the MagicPen solution for one to two seconds, repeating the process as necessary
It is important to dip only the part of the tip that you will actively use into the solution, avoiding immersion beyond that point to prevent any resistance caused by the temperature difference. The difference is clearly visible after using the MagicPen solder Perfecter
The cleaned part of the soldering iron tip contrasts with the untouched part, demonstrating the effectiveness of the product
Let’s take a closer look. The MagicPen effectively cleans our soldering iron tip, leaving it in pristine condition.

Improve Soldering Iron Tip Solder Holding Performance with Magicpen

Additionally, the solder retention performance is significantly improved. Previously, only the middle part of the tip was able to hold solder, but now all parts successfully retain solder. After completing the process, you can easily wipe off any excess solder accumulated on the tip with a napkin. You may notice a slight darkening of the tip, but fear not! Simply touch the tip to the MagicPen solder Perfecter for one to two seconds, and witness the perfect restoration of your soldering iron tip. It will look as good as new! Don’t forget to try the MagicPen solder Perfecter with fine solder wire, such as 0,50 millimeters in diameter. Even if your soldering iron previously struggled to hold such fine wire, after using the MagicPen, it will hold it perfectly. The improvement in soldering performance is remarkable.
For more information please watch our
Magicpen User Manual Youtube Video


To summarize, before plugging in your soldering iron, ensure you remove any coarse dirt from the tip using sandpaper or a solder cleaning wire. Set the temperature of your soldering iron to 350-400 degrees Celsius, or the highest temperature if it is not regulated. Immerse only the part of the tip that you will actively use into the MagicPen solution for one to two seconds. With each touch of the tip to the solution, you will witness the transformation of your soldering iron tip.

The MagicPen solder Perfecter is a reliable and safe solution that does not emit any harmful chemicals, fumes, or odors. Instead of the expense of frequently replacing soldering iron tips, with MagicPen you can ensure the longevity of your soldering iron tips. Keep soldering with peace of mind, knowing that your soldering iron tips will remain in excellent condition. Experience the magic of effortless soldering and enjoy the convenience of renewed soldering iron tips.


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